Dress Into A Dream (fall)/ Prom Closet Project Tour (spring)

Prom Closet Project & Dress into a Dream Program
What is Prom Closet Project Tour?
An opportunity to receive a free dress & accessories for Prom in SPRING of 2025. This program is for Seniors and Juniors on a case by case basis.
The collection has a variety of colors, lengths and styles. If you have something very specific in mind this may not be the program for you as our collection is based on what is donated in.
What is the Dress into a Dream Program?
Homecoming Dress Sale dates are done for 2024 and took place the last 2 weeks of August.
The dresses are $10 apiece. We have dresses of all sizes & lengths. All proceeds will be going to replenish items for Prom Closet Project Tour.
The collection has a variety of colors, lengths and styles. If you have something very specific in mind this may not be the program for you as our collection is based on what is donated in.
What do I need to do?
An appointment is NEEDED to attend the events. Watch on social media & our website for dates & locations (Prom Closet is March-May time frame & Dress Into A Dream is Aug-Sept time frame)
How do I find out where the tour stops will be?
Dates/Locations are available on the main page & our Facebook Page (each spot has an event with information).
ONLY LIVE applications will have this information.
DONATION Information
Check attached page about donation timing and locations.
Social Media

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